• Covid Screening

    Adjusting to the new normal… addressing the pandemic pro-actively.
    Live and work safely! Get on-site symptomatic Covid-19 screening with follow-up PCR screening tests.

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It remains crucial to conduct COVID 19 screening in work environments the moment any staff member becomes symptomatic… to ensure that proper isolation, quarantine, and tracking can be implemented.

This ensures not only the safety of both staff and clientele,
but also ensures maximum productivity can be maintained in the workspace with minimum down time.


  • We conduct on site group Covid-19 PCR Testing.
  • A quarantine advice and information sheet (dos and don’ts, what to expect in the next 14 days) will be supplied to the person and we will ensure that they know what it means.


Plans are in place to assist with the Vaccination roll-out.

Our Key Nurses received Training by NDOH knowledge hub – online course accredited by Health Professions Council

Instant Appointments

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Multiple Industries

We assist a wide spectrum of clients:
from Medical Aids to Corporates,
from Laboratories to Insurers.

Contact Us

Our dedicated call centre are there to assist you any time you need it

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I think one’s feelings waste themselves in words; they ought all to be distilled into actions which bring results.

Florence Nightingale